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Cookie policy

In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002 of the 11thof July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the identification data of the company is shown below. Company name: Cristina Valdivieso with NIF tax identification number: 74380999B.

General conditions

This website has been created by Cristina Valdivieso for information purposes and for the personal use of users. Through this legal notice, access and use of this website are regulated, as well as the relationship between the website and its users. By accessing this website, the following terms and conditions are accepted: Access to this website is the exclusive responsibility of users.

Mere access to this website does not establish any kind of commercial relationship between Cristina Valdivieso and the user.

Access and navigation on this website entail the acceptance and awareness of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use that it contains.

The owner of the website may offer services or products which may be subject to their own specific conditions which, depending on the case, replace, supplement and/or modify these conditions, and of which the user will be informed in each specific case.

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